The CTO’s Nightmare or Blessing in Disguise Managing an Entire Work from Home Team During Lockdown

This pandemic has pushed CIOs and CTOs of the world to be on their toes to help companies enable working remotely and keep businesses going. With travel restrictions and events on hold, the focus has been to minimize the impact while same time manage risk for businesses. CIOs/CTOs need to emerge as heroes and make the right shift during these testing times. Gitlab Inc. has a complete workforce of some 1,200 employees spread across 67 countries working remotely. CEO Sid Sijbrandij talked recently about this in his recent interview “This is a giant opportunity for the CIOs,
An increase in efficiency may also increase initial cost but they need to ensure cost reduction and such decisions cannot be taken in haste and stress. This is the time to act like a savior and seize the moment.
CIO’s challenges today will range from
a)enable remote working,
b)which can see a surge in IT infra tickets
c) workflow failures
d) increased service requests
in short, trouble handling both customer service and employee IT challenges at the same time.
The need is to respond to a request as soon as possible and enable the future to follow up remotely. To make sure this happens, CIOs/CTOs will need a cloud-based solution that is easily scalable across networks. Unlike, other platforms ServiceNow is on a cloud while ensuring enables scalability and can easily withstand the strain of excess network load. To withstand stress generated by COVID19, ServiceNow has also launched emergency apps that enable emergency outreach, self?reporting and exposure management, which are precisely what organizations need to do right now to help people get through this crisis.
By taking such initiatives, CIOs and CTOs can help their companies build survival strategy and pliability at a time when both are needed most. BaffleSol helps its customers to come up with a strategy that helps enhance their IT infra by supporting existing systems or helping implement new modern tools like ServiceNow to make day to day life faster and scalable than ever before.
The human race has contended with enough pandemics, Each time, making new adaptions to survive. Let’s all recognize the time we’re in, take a breath, step back, retrospect and work through it together.
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